Hey you! So Halloween just ended, and Thanksgiving is around the corner. What to do with all of that extra pumpkin? You don't want to eat it and have more calories, but you don't want to throw it out either. Instead, make it into a masque for your face! Yes! This easy masque is great for skin and takes moments to whip up. It makes a cute gift, too. Check out how I made it:
N e e d:
1/2 c cream cheese
1/2 c pumpkin puree (fresh is preferred, but canned is fine)
4 Tbsp light brown sugar
dash of nutmeg
D o:
- Mix cream cheese and pumpkin together.
- Apply to face and let set for 20 minutes.
- Wash away with warm water.
T r y:
- For presentation purposes, I made this look like a tiny pumpkin cheesecake, with my "crust" being the brown sugar and then spooning in the mixture. I added a little cream cheese on top and then dusted with nutmeg for more of an authentic pumpkin cheesecake smell. But when I do this at home, I use a small bowl.
- The brown sugar (I recommend light) can be used first as an exfoliant and then the masque can be used. You can also mix in the brown sugar.
- Since this is a gloopy mix, I like painting on the masque with a tint brush (used for applying dye to hair and can be purchased at beauty supply stores for less than a dollar) and sometimes then using a plain sheet mask on top to keep it from getting everywhere!
- Pumpkins are a great source of vitamins A, C, and zinc. Those with acne or oily skin benefit the most.
- The cream cheese is an excellent moisturizer.
- The nutmeg smooths skin and treats it. It also gives this recipe that pumpkin "pie" smell.
- The brown sugar is an exfoliant.
- I do not use cinnamon, as it can burn and exacerbate skin.
- Pumpkin cream cheese exists, but I prefer making it myself, so I know exactly what goes into my masque.
- This masque can be made/used cold or warm.
- This keeps for about a week in the fridge.
Looks good enough to eat! But it goes on your face instead!
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