How To: My Quick & Easy Everyday Curls (Video)

When I posted this pic on Instagram, I had a nice response from y'all about my hair. Today, I'm sharing with you how I do it. It takes me about 10 minutes and is easy. Enjoy my Quick & Easy Everyday Curls!

T O O L S:
  • heat protectant
  • 1.5 in curling iron (orig. shared here)
  • brush
  • clips (optional)
  • hair spray (optional)

M E T H O D:
  • Brush hair, spray hair with heat protectant and allow to dry before applying any heat.
  • I divide my hair in half, and start from the back, curling half inch to about one inch sections. You can use clips and section hair traditionally, but this is how I do it in a hurry.
  • With the clamp facing up, I slide the curling iron down the section of hair.

  • And then I slide it to the ends, but I leave a little bit of a "tail" out. 
  • This will help prevent creasing/curling iron marks once I curl the section.

  • I'll begin to roll it up, leaving the tail out.

  • I'll roll it up to the roots, and once all of the hair is in place, I'll hold 10 seconds. 
  • If you have fine hair, do 5 or so. 
  • In the video below, I hold it for about 5 seconds for most sections (I had about 10 minutes to film).

  • To get that end curled, I'll gently release the curling iron clamp, slide down a little further down the tail, and then roll up, holding for a few seconds, and then repeating the process. This will be better explained/viewed in the video.
  • Repeat this for each section. I sort of twist it to form the style seen in the pics. Set with hair spray if desired--dry, frizzy hair might want to skip the spray.
  • Note: all of the curls will be going in the same direction. I would suggest changing the direction so that all of the curls curl away from your face, but I was in a hurry! :)
  • And now for a video tutorial of this hair style, with captions before each step. 

If you can't view the video, click here.

PS: Giveaways for YOU!

screen shot from video, aka 8 minutes later!

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