Rants and Raves: Sick Edition

Hey you! Normally I post my weekly Rants and Raves on Sunday nights, but in case you've not noticed, I've been really, really sick. Today is the first time I've opened my computer since Thursday. My mom just asked where my posts were, so here ya go!

  • This "cold" that will not end. It started off as a little cold (sinus infection) but has turned into something similar to the flu or mono. It's been a doozy, let me tell ya. I haven't been able to do much of anything. Breathing wears me out. My thoughts are all jumbled. And I'm not able to sleep much. 
  • At the end of the day, it's temporary (I hope). Many are going through worse, so I have no reason to complain. I'm feeling well enough to type this, so that's improvement.
  • Charlie, because he's the Cutest Dog Ever, but not a good nurse. ;)
  • THANK YOU to everyone who left me get well wishes on my Instagram
I should be back with a regular beauty posts tomorrow (I hope). I've missed visiting your blogs and hope you've missed mine!

What are your Rants and Raves of the week?

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