The 52 Project: February's Results

Pics via Instagram:
Oscar party, Puffs Event, tulips for Valetines, monthly selfie, EOS in a champagne coupe,
Charlie, annual trip to Helen, GA; favorite polish

How was your weekend? I am slap tired from mine! I had some good friends I rarely get to see drive down from Charleston to see me. We had so much fun! We stayed up so late talking that I'm writing this on four hours of sleep. That totally ties in with The 52 Project! Every week in 2013, I'm taking on a different resolution Want to join? It's not too late! Pick your own weekly resolutions and share them with us! Here are my results for February:

  • Make Bed Daily
    • Result: I did it!
    • Would I Do It Again? Yes, but it's pretty much only made a couple of times a week--usually if friends are stopping by. I see that as an improvement!
  • Write Down Everything You Eat
    • Result: I did it! This was a Reader Request.
    • Would I Do It Again? Sure, but I have a eidetic memory, so I remember it all anyway, so probably not!
  • Attend a Blog Event
    • Result: I did it! This was my favorite success of the month!
    • Notes: I admit, Fate and Fear have played a part in me not attending any sort of blog events in the past. I'm the shyest, quietest, most awkward girl. I was really nervous because I knew I wouldn't be as pretty as the other girls, or as young as them, or have fancy clothes. Sounds so silly, right? But this time, Fate worked, and I attended the Puffs & Dress For Success event. Puffs donated to the cause, which helps women get back into the work force after difficult circumstances. I've donated makeup to them (yes, you can even donate used sanitized makeup), so this cause meant something to me as well! I was very late, due to work/traffic, and was terrified when I arrived, but surprisingly, I was recognized by other bloggers. And they were SO SWEET. In my mind, there are about 5 of y'all that read my blog, so to know real life people that I wasn't related to/friends read my blog blew my mind. I did leave early due to nerves, but I was proud of myself. And I realized I'll never be a style blogger. They are so much more beautiful in person than on their blogs! And taller, hehe. 
    • Would I Do It Again? Yes! I have another event this month!
  • Go to Bed an Hour Earlier
    • Result: FAIL
    • Would I Do It Again? Yes. I did this because everyone around me is getting sick, and I know when I'm tired, my immune system shuts down. I work on the blog until 11 or midnight, and then I need an hour or so to get my mind to settle down. I tried going to bed around 10, but only did this two times out of the week (actually three since I'm heading to bed in just a few minutes). I did a lot of posts, but my page views went way down, and I wonder if it was due to the fact that I wasn't networking until midnight like usual. 
For the first week in March, I'm dining in a restaurant alone!

PS: Have a resolution you'd like me to try? Let me know in the comments!

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