Rants + Raves

Hey you! I can't believe it's only 10 days until Christmas. The panic is starting to set in. Before I get back to wrapping presents, I thought I'd take a quick moment to share my weekly Rants + Raves.


  • Food poisoning--This happened Thursday night, and while it was a mild case, I'm still recovering. Ugh. The Christmas party at my apartment complex was catered by Moe's BBQ, and I'm certain that's what made me sick. Boo!
  • Unfollowers & Never Followers--I know. Such a silly thing. It only upsets me when it's people I considered my blog/online friends. People move on. But I work so hard on this blog and everything behind the scenes (like social media), so it stings when they leave. Plus, there is an Atl blogger I see at events and we've made introductions. I follow her sites, leave comments, etc. She won't follow me back or anything. At a restaurant recently she was seated at the table next to me (I swear Atl can feel like such a small town sometimes). Despite eye contact, and comments to her dining companion about Atlanta bloggers (I'm trying to be vague here), she still ignored me. I happen to think I'm a catch--blog-wise, with all of the beauty knowledge I have. As you all kindly said: their loss!
  • IG Hacker--Someone tried to hack into my Instagram. Argh!
  • American Hustle--I got to attend a private screening of this! It wasn't as great as I had built it up (a little long) but it's a solid 4 out of 5 stars. It was good and I'd recommend it. Great performances from everyone, and of course, Jennifer Lawrence is a standout. She was hilarious and reminded me a little of Jennifer Coolidge.
  • Candles--I had to replenish my supply, and at $8 each, I couldn't help myself.
  • Christmas Party--Every year my apt complex throws a Christmas party, complete with karaoke and prizes. I won $25 Target gift card for trivia and $50 off my rent for my rousing rendition of "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey. It didn't quite fit the demographic of the residents, but they obliged and got into it. The group that won had choreography. Seriously? I gotta step up my game! ;)
  • If there's anything I've learned in blogging, it's that there's no magic formula for what will be a "hit" on the blog. Some posts I've worked days on aren't liked, and some posts I do in 30 minutes are huge. So I was surprised to see the support and notice on my post on getting older. I feel ageism in the blogging community, and while I've never denied my age, I never talk about it. I want to thank you for being so kind with your words. Ya made this old lady smile!
  • YOU--I posted a pic on Instagram about the unfollower situation, and was surprised at the love I received with your sweet comments. I didn't mean to come across as not thankful for the readers I so have, not at all. That's why I do so many giveaways--to give back to YOU for taking the time out of your day to spend it here. Thank you so much.
  • Finally getting back into making videos. Expect some very soon!
  • Whew! I've been a posting machine--I've done lots of reviews for those of you that like those sorts of things. I encourage you to check them out. Just scroll down if you'd like.

What Rants + Raves did you have this week? Share on your blog or leave them below.

PS: Giveaways

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